Self-defence Classes

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Yellow for Survivors in partnership with Never Tap Out is offering self-defence classes to young and old. We believe in being proactive and empowering women, children, the elderly and men. 

How safe are your staff members, especially the women, travelling to and from work in their own vehicles, or using public transport? Are you confident that they are secure as they make their way to your company every day? 

Yellow for Survivors offers self-defence classes, which can be conducted right on your premises if you have the space available, that equips participants with vital information on how to protect themselves if the worst should happen. If you are able to act and your perpetrator did not expect it there is a shock element that can disrupt their plans. Gender-based violence occurs at every level of our society, and the best thing we can do is to educate ourselves, and our employees, on how to keep themselves safe. 

As a survivor of gender-based violence, I come from a place of personal understanding when I say that there is a dire need for more focussed support in this space, where women and men are left to fend for themselves after being violated in the most inhumane ways. 

We have so far helped 290 people with self-defence classes during 16 Days of Activism in 2020. Our NPC may be new, and our cause may be a difficult one to think about, but we are out here changing lives and making a real, tangible difference. 

View our Corporate reviews here
View our Public reviews here

These classes were made possible by Spar

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